VibraSÓN Featured

Saturday, 22 June 2019 19:05 Written by 
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  • Location: 17
  • Address 1: Oakland, CA

The VibraSÓN band was formed in mid-2013 to fulfill a long yearning of its leader Jake Jacobs, an accomplished salsa dancer and instructor for over 20 years to bring some of the greatest dance music back into the live music scene

The concept was to play the music of an older era with a hip sound for dancers and audiences alike. Many of the DJs and dancers in the scene adore such music and it is played frequently in recorded form - a comeback for a great era of innovative music that soothes the soul and stirs the dancer in all of us. In Bay Area, rich with talent and populated with salsa bands, no group really was devoted to the genre.  Besides dancing/teaching Jake took up playing percussion around 10 years ago and has played with numerous bands in the Bay Area. As the leader, he brings his musical tastes from both dancing and playing to the mix, plus a bevy of some of the greatest musical talent the Bay Area has to offer. VibraSON brings back great live music for dancers and listeners alike, while moving forward at the same time.




Read 1623 times Last modified on Wednesday, 21 August 2019 13:54